by Lotsov Qoins
In a rare maneuver being offered by banks all across America, due to the shortfall of coinage available from the Federal Reserve, because of Covid-19 shutdowns, cash for coins is now the currency of the times. Many banks now offering cash money for groupings of coins to help fulfill supply losses, with the current offer of Ten Dollars for Twenty in Coins, is "not half bad," claimed a proponent on behalf of the United States Banking system (USB) and "should get the economy circulating again." Specific coins being sought are quarters, dimes and nickles; pennies are still a dime a dozen and not in great need, but for those with mason jars filled with them, banks will offer two dollars for every 2 quart jar that is brought into select locations.
Many hoarders of change are cashing in on the offers. One such collector exclaimed, "I've been collecting coins all my life. My basement is filled with various coin stock. I always thought some day, they'd be worth something to someone, and now with the banks offering me cash for my coins, I feel like it's my lucky day and all those years of hoarding these precious metals wasn't just a waste of time."
People are showing up in droves to collect on the bounty for their mass collections of hard pressed legal tender. "It's a run on the banks, but in this case, to give money, not to take!" quipped one bank employee. The branch manager hitched their own take on the current situation, "People are always eager to lend a hand when loot is being offered, and in this case, it's like a cash caper with account holders holding the bank accountable, and making off with the loot for simply lending their hard saved assets."
It is the hopes of both the banks and the American people, that the remunerative reward for people's personal reserves of minted wealth to help financial institutions will quickly bring small change back into the system in a big way, and will help compound supplies within the next couple months. For those with current financial obligations, banks are also offering the exchange of coins for the convenience of gratuity toward settling their debts. "Ten for Twenty goes a long way to cutting debt in half, and for some, could almost nearly divide monies owed by fifty percent. That's a slice of pie that truly splits deficits dramatically," declared one Federal Financial Officer, "and makes paying off liability much easier to discount."